WFC Construction Update

Construction Update:

 The construction site has been very busy over the past two weeks.  The final section of the suspended concrete slab was poured last week, completing the second floor concourse.  Steel is now being erected on the front end of the building.  Masonry block construction is well underway with concrete block walls constructed along the north and west sides of the building.  Utility work continues this week in the space between the construction site and the old arena and curling club.  This work is expected to be completed this week.  Utility trenches are being backfilled and when complete, the walkway between Vaughan St/Barlow Ave and LeBourdais Park will be re-opened with a gravel walkway to provide pedestrian access to the curling club and the park.

 Schedule and Budget:

 The project continues to be on schedule for completion by September 2017 and on budget for $20.6 million.


 The Seat Sale and Mural Sale continue. If you haven’t sponsored a seat or made a donation to the project, contact Alex by email at:

 Parking Reminder:

 With both arenas operating and with the curling club set to open in the coming week, facility users are reminded that it may be more difficult to find parking close to facilities in the area.  People are encouraged to allow time to find a parking space, carpool if possible, drop passengers off close to the facilities when appropriate prior to parking, and be prepared to walk some distance after finding a parking space.  A map of public parking spaces in the vicinity of the arena and curling club is attached here for information.


WFC Construction Update

September 14, 2016

Construction Update:
Multiple trades are on site this week and the masonry contractor has arrived to begin constructing block walls and close in the building.  Steel erectors will be on site next week and construction of the steel roof structure will begin shortly.  The contractor has poured the third section of the suspended concrete slab; the final portion of the second floor concourse is expected to be poured soon. Eight of the incline columns that support the roof structure have been poured, along with the elevator shaft.

Utility connections to the facility are in progress this week resulting in the temporary closure of the walkway between Vaughn Street and Lebourdais Park.  The sidewalk has been removed so trench lines can be dug and underground infrastructure can be installed.  Once the utility connections are made, including the reconnection of service to the curling club that was re-routed due to construction, access through this area will be restored.  The trenching will be backfilled, the area will be leveled and a walkway of crusher fines will be installed as soon as possible.

Schedule and Budget

The project continues to be on schedule for completion by September 2017.  The project continues to be on budget for $20.6 million.

WFC Construction Update

Construction Update:

The pouring of concrete continues to be the focus of construction.  The first of the suspended slab concrete pours was completed on Friday for a portion of the second floor of the building.  This section included the banquet room and potions of the north and west concourses.  The contractor, Vic Van Isle Construction, is preparing to pour the second suspended concrete slab at the south west corner of the building later this month and we can expect to see some of the second-floor support pillars being erected in the coming weeks.

Schedule and Budget:

The project continues to be on schedule for completion by September 2017.  The project continues to be on budget for $20.6 million.


The Seat Sale and Mural Sale continue. If you haven’t sponsored a seat or made a donation to the project, contact Alex by email at:

WFC Site

Accessible Playground Open!

The accessible playground at the Arts and Recreation Centre is now open.  It was a community project that took over three years of fund raising and received partial funding from the  North Cariboo Recreation and Parks function ( CRD) .

The Habitat playground was designed by the local Parent Resources Team in Quesnel. Sandy Meidlinger at the CDC wrote dozens of grant applications and Carley Tolhurst and a whole group of volunteers raised funds to make this possible.  Darryl Tolhurst and Canadian Western Mechanical did the majority of the ground preparation and Rob and Jason  and their crew from Fresno construction  did the final leveling and concrete border.   Urban Systems from Kamloops provided the site design.  Habitat Systems contributed to the colour costs on the rubber  surface and Western Safety Surfaces donated five days of their staff to help the volunteers put up the playground.  City staff helped with the survey work .  Mercury fencing took down the old fence.

If you know a volunteer that helped put together this project, please  thank them from all those kids in Quesnel that can now use the playground and those parents and grandparents who can now join their kids at the playground.

Come on down and take a look or join the kids playing!

Thank you to the Donors for Accessible Playground June 2016

WFC Construction Update

West Fraser Centre

Construction Update:

Concrete is continually being poured for the structural columns, shear walls, and the suspended concrete slab for the second floor above the front lobby (shown above).



The Seat Sale and Mural Sale continue. If you haven’t sponsored a seat or made a donation to the project, contact Alex by email at:

West Fraser Centre Construction Update

Construction Update:

The arena project continues to make progress, with no changes to the project schedule or budget.  The $20.6 million project continues to be on track for a fall 2017 opening.

Work is proceeding on the concrete structural columns and shear walls with most of them now complete.  Backfilling has started in areas where the foundation is complete and the base can be brought up to grade.  The first portion of the concrete elevator shaft has been poured and work has begun on the suspended concrete slab for the second floor above the front lobby.


The Seat Sale and Mural Sale continue. If you haven’t sponsored a seat or made a donation to the project, contact Alex by email at:

Other notes:

With Billy Barker Days approaching, people attending events in the area reminded to allow sufficient time to park and walk to the event site.  People are encouraged to car pool or use alternate transportation like transit, walking, or cycling where practical and available.  Drivers are encouraged to drop off passengers, particularly those with mobility issues, prior to parking.  There are a number of public parking lots within walking distance of the arena (see map) and LeBourdais Park.

Arena Update Image
WFC Construction Site