

Our bylaws set out the rules for how our local democratically elects our representatives, and how it is run. These bylaws are reviewed periodically, ratified by the general membership and updated copies are forwarded to CUPE National for a conformance review and final approval.

CUPE 1050 Bylaws were approved by National President and ratified by the membership effective November 27, 2018 – you can download a copy below.






Visit the benefits carrier websites for information on standard benefits, extended health benefits, and disability coverage

If you would like a copy of the Group Health Benefit Booklet, you will need to access it online on the Group Health website. Not sure how to get your booklet online – check out the memo below:

In addition, EFAP (Emergency Family Assistance Program) is available to all employees and their families to confidentially access counseling services or plan smart services. Our current EFAP provider is Homewood Health – you can access their services on-line or by phone at the following contacts:

or call 1-800-663-1142

There are a number of new on-line services such as webinars & courses that can be accessed through their website. Check out the information below:

Download EFAP Article ‘Accessing Homeweb’

View info on EFAP e-Course ‘Taking Control of Stress’

View info on EFAP e-Course ‘Resilience’

View info on EFAP e-Course ‘Responsible Optimism’

Job postings

Click the following link to view the current job postings with the City of Quesnel

Internal job postings will be provided here for convenience. Members who are off-season are encouraged to contact the HR Manager for confirmation of postings, as this website is not the definitive source for all postings.


CUPE 1050/1050-01 members contribute to the BC Municipal Pension Plan: you can access your account on their website through the link below. The local has hosted CUPE BC division workshops on pension planning for our members: any future sessions and workshops will be posted on this website.