Construction Update:
Steel erection of the roof structure is underway. Three of the steel trusses have been placed in addition to the joists that connect them together. The contractor will start placing the steel decking soon. The contractor hopes to have the roof completed by mid to late December.
Concrete and masonry block work continues on the site. Most of the concrete for the building has been poured including the bleachers and slab-on-grade.
The Insulated Metal Panels for the building exterior have arrived and are being stored temporarily in a portion of the parking lot on Gray Avenue by the spray park in LeBourdais Park.
Schedule and Budget:
The Contractor has issued a revised project schedule. The schedule can be viewed on the City’s website. The project continues to be on schedule for completion by September 2017 and on budget for $20.6 million. Over $2 million has been spent on local contractors and suppliers to date on the project.
The Seat Sale and Mural Sale continue. If you haven’t sponsored a seat or made a donation to the project, contact Alex by email at: