Construction Update:
Crews have poured a significant portion of the slab-on-grade floors on the main level including most of the dressing rooms, storage rooms, mechanical rooms, offices and the lobby. Most of the concrete for the north side bleachers has been poured and forming work has started on the south side. The contractor is preparing to pour concrete for the stairway at the front entrance of the building and for the header trenches for the refrigeration system.
The steel framework is now in place for the front lobby and the main trusses are expected to arrive on site soon. Masonry block construction is well underway. Most of the main floor perimeter walls are complete and work has begun on the interior and upper level walls.
Schedule and Budget:
The project continues to be on schedule for completion by September 2017 and on budget for $20.6 million. Over $1.8 million has been spent on local contractors and suppliers to date on the project.
The Seat Sale and Mural Sale continue. If you haven’t sponsored a seat or made a donation to the project, contact Alex by email at: