The accessible playground at the Arts and Recreation Centre is now open. It was a community project that took over three years of fund raising and received partial funding from the North Cariboo Recreation and Parks function ( CRD) .
The Habitat playground was designed by the local Parent Resources Team in Quesnel. Sandy Meidlinger at the CDC wrote dozens of grant applications and Carley Tolhurst and a whole group of volunteers raised funds to make this possible. Darryl Tolhurst and Canadian Western Mechanical did the majority of the ground preparation and Rob and Jason and their crew from Fresno construction did the final leveling and concrete border. Urban Systems from Kamloops provided the site design. Habitat Systems contributed to the colour costs on the rubber surface and Western Safety Surfaces donated five days of their staff to help the volunteers put up the playground. City staff helped with the survey work . Mercury fencing took down the old fence.
If you know a volunteer that helped put together this project, please thank them from all those kids in Quesnel that can now use the playground and those parents and grandparents who can now join their kids at the playground.
Come on down and take a look or join the kids playing!
Thank you to the Donors for Accessible Playground June 2016