Construction Update:
The arena project continues to make progress, with no changes to the project schedule or budget. The $20.6 million project continues to be on track for a fall 2017 opening.
Work is proceeding on the concrete structural columns and shear walls with most of them now complete. Backfilling has started in areas where the foundation is complete and the base can be brought up to grade. The first portion of the concrete elevator shaft has been poured and work has begun on the suspended concrete slab for the second floor above the front lobby.
The Seat Sale and Mural Sale continue. If you haven’t sponsored a seat or made a donation to the project, contact Alex by email at:
Other notes:
With Billy Barker Days approaching, people attending events in the area reminded to allow sufficient time to park and walk to the event site. People are encouraged to car pool or use alternate transportation like transit, walking, or cycling where practical and available. Drivers are encouraged to drop off passengers, particularly those with mobility issues, prior to parking. There are a number of public parking lots within walking distance of the arena (see map) and LeBourdais Park.